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    • Farmamerica-Roots-Award(1).JPG
      Farmamerica-Roots Award
    • Century-Award-Keen-Bank.jpg
      Keen Bank-Legacy Award
    • First-Financial-Title-Agency-of-MN-New-Member(1).JPG
      First Title Agency-New Member Award
    • Progress-Award-The-Refinery-Rooftop.jpg
      The Refinery Rooftop-Progress Award
    • Tom-Sexton.jpg
      Representative Tom Sexton-New Member
    • Pleasant-Grove-Pizza-Farm--Progress-Award-w2861-w1430.jpg
      Pleasant Grove Pizza Farm-Progress Award
    • The-Redemption-Project-New-Member(1-resize.jpg
      The Redemption Project-New Memeber
    • Walmart---Roots-Award-resize-.jpg
      Wal-Mart-Roots Award
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      American Dumpster & Recycling-New Member
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  • Discover Waseca Guide 2025 Discover Waseca Guide 2025

    Click here for the 2025 Discover Waseca Guide 

  • Frosty  Rules & Clues Frosty Rules & Clues


    Identify FROSTY and win some cash! Prize money totaling $1,500.00, is waiting to be won. FROSTY is a Waseca County resident chosen to be an ambassador for the Waseca Sleigh & Cutter Festival. Follow the clues and guess FROSTY’S name.

    Grand prize is $300.00. If you are at the official unmasking at the Star Fire Event Center @8:30 p.m., on Friday, February 21, 2025, you will win an additional $50.00. First correct guess from Janesville, New Richland and Waseca wins $150.00; and if you are at the unmasking, you will win an additional $50.00. Only five names will be drawn for $100 – must be present. Five names win $50.00 – attendance is not necessary.

    Contest rules:

    1. Clues are published by the Waseca County News; Facebook; Waseca County Pioneer; NRHEG Star Eagle; Waseca Chamber of Commerce; KOWZ/KRUE radio; Waseca Sleigh & Cutter Festival.
    2. One guess allowed each week.
    3. Each entry must have name and complete address. Entries without complete information are not valid.
    4. Entrant must live in Waseca County and be over 18 years of age.
    5. If there are multiple correct guesses, a drawing will be made to determine winner.
    6. If there are no correct guesses, a drawing will be made from all entries received.
    7. Entries must be received before 3:00 p.m. February 21, 2025.
    8. Submit entries to:
      1. WASECA: Submit entry at Waseca Music; 111 South State, Waseca, MN 56093; or via mail.
      2. JANESVILLE: Mail or drop off at Waseca Music; mark your entry as Janesville.
      3. NEW RICHLAND: Drop off at NRHEG STAR EAGLE NEWS; or mail to Waseca Music - mark your entry as New Richland.

    Week 1 Frosty Clue:

    Much like the legend,

    The 2025 Sleigh and Cutter Frosty is anew.

    Coming again this year,

    In their white Frosty Hue

    A Waseca transplant,

    But ties they did bind,

    Here the greater part of 40 years

    A love match they did find

    A local friend, and

    A supporter of the arts, 

    Who will it be this year?

    The answer, the clues will impart.  

    Week 2 Frosty Clue:

    A northerner from the start,

    Frosty moved South for school

    The major of study initially unknown

    But a degree was the general rule

    Completing classes at Gustavus

    And taking credits as MSU

    A 1983 college graduate

    History was a favored study too

    Far out of school now

    But to help pass the time

    Frosty enjoys putting together words

    Possibly a limerick or a rhyme

    Week 3 Frosty Clue 

    Do you think you have Frosty

    Narrowed down or found out?

    Have you passed them around town 

    While strolling out and about?

    A lover of the arts

    And items that are unique

    Catch Frosty at the local stores

    Browsing, and taking a peek

    A supporter to all businesses

    Big or small, or community driven

    Donating time, talent or special items

    With their contribution, a unique display given

    Frosty sponsors: CULLIGAN, iWEALTH – Brad Connors, DOMINO’S, MEDIACOM, SUBURBAN FURNITURE, and XCEL ENERGY. Please thank these sponsors for supporting the 28th Annual Frosty Contest!



  • Medallion Rules & Clues Medallion Rules & Clues

    MEDALLION HUNT    -  Rules

    The medallion is hidden outdoors, on public property within the Waseca city limits. A $1,500 prize of Chamber Dollars will be awarded at the Star Fire Event Center at 8:30 on Friday Feb 21, 2025. Bring the medallion to Waseca Area Chamber of Commerce or Waseca Music. Clues will be published each week in the Waseca County News, Facebook, Waseca County Pioneer, NRHEG Star Eagle, and Waseca Sleigh & Cutter Festival. Clues will also be broadcast on KRUE and KOWZ Radio and will be available online at Waseca Area Chamber of Commerce at 

    Medallion hunt sponsors: Waseca County News, KEEN Bank, Xcel Energy, KOWZ/KRUE Radio, Waseca VFW Club 1642, and M Peters Enterprises. Please thank these sponsors for supporting the 28th Annual Medallion Hunt!

    Week 1 Medallion Clue:

    How quickly again,

    The time of the year is here,

    Another winter season bringing

    the Sleigh & Cutter Community Near

    In our 75th year, the medallion

    Once again is hidden

    Bundle up for your search,

    Perhaps you need a lucky mitten?

    Hidden within the town

    Easy to find but not in plain sight

    The medallion is secured

    Protected and strapped in tight.

    Week 2 Medallion Clue:

    One lucky winner

    Will keep the grand prize

    Their dedication and note taking

    A technique which was wise

    Now in support of the 75th year

    And to give one more chance

    The medallion will be re-hidden

    In a special circumstance

    $750 is now waiting

    For the second lucky finder

    The medallion hidden well

    Good luck to the new pathfinder

    Week 3 Medallion Clue 

    The medallion re-hidden

    where could it be?

    Between 7 and 14,

    What do you see?

    Off the beaten path,

    But easily attainable,

    The medallion hides

    Its location easily explainable

    Not so noticeable now,

    In plain sight it blends

    Who will find the medallion,

    Once found, the search ends.